During 2018., 19 projects in the total value of 6.580.768, 42 KM were prepared for open calls for projects, as well as technical assistance to companies, public institutions and other organizations in preparation of project applications in the amount of 2.394.712,93 KM.

Project name Value / KM Donor
1 IQ HUB 503.747,93 Norway Embassy
2 Banjalucki cevap for Ginis 36.661,38 Min. trade and tourism of RS
3 Food for the soul 33.408,26 Min. trade and tourism of RS
4 The project “Supporting employment through the implementation of training programs for breeding and flower producers and training programs for the processing of cheese” 19.494,96
5 Training of workers in the Catering sector – „Gastrofokus“ 45.000,00 Opportunity plus
6 Clean energy in public institutions (CEPI) 765.997,91 Czech Embassy
7 Empowering women victims of domestic violence by gaining the necessary skills for the fast-moving independence and employment – 53.216,00 Canada Fund for Local Iniciatives
8 CCI4TOURISM / Strengthen entrepreneurial skills of Cultural and Creative Industries for the valorization of cultural heritage and the development of sustainable tourism models in the Adriatic-Ionian regions – 195.333,63 Interreg Adrion
9 SEE BEST BALKAN REGIONS – SouthEast Europe BioEconomy for sustainable – 469.400,00 Norwegian fund for the Western Balkans
10 Training Center for wood Processing Practical Skills and Product development based on utilisation of CNC technologies 164.550.00 USAID WHAM
11 Introduction of New Technology Tools in Sales and Transfer of Knowledge for sa Sales and Market Research. 110.240,00 USAID WHAM
12 Developmen of service and Training Center for Textile&eather Industry 300.372,18 USAID WHAM
13 Clean energy in public institutions ( CEPI ) Phaza 1 61.444,14 Czech Embassy
14 Empowering women, victims of domestic violence 40.000,00 Czech Embassy
15 The Way Forward 48.895,75 Europe for Citizens
16 Mental Health at the Workplace 35.973,85 Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH
17 Development and implementation of digitization and ICT for sustainable economy “Dig.IT.Up” 2.535.427,29 Intereg IPA CBC – BIH-HR-CG
18 Improving the access and availability of health and social services to enhance quality, social inclusion for children and youth with developmental disabilities “ASIQ”


1.136,760,14 Intereg IPA CBC – BiH-HR-CG


Gender Responsible and Anti-Corruption Budgeting of Young Leaders as a Basis for Improving Women’s Rights in BiH and Contribution to Reforms on the Path to European Integration 24,845.00


US Embassy Economic support fund
TOTAL 6.580.768, 42


Project name  

Value /KM



1 Living room – step towards independence Social rehabilitation service 18.376,32 RELOAD
2 Assistance in preparing project applications for 12 schools 1.372.099,44 Japanese Embassy
3 City program of incentives – project applications for 7 secondary schools 192.224,18 City of Banja Luka and business people
4 Sustainable Valorization of Cultural Heritage through Innovative Governance (Sustainable Valorisation of Cultural Heritage Through Innovative Governance) 352.049,40 Norwegian Fund
5 Vodovod a.d. Banja Luka 359.872,72 Norwegian Fund
6 Jointly through the first 1000 days of life 19.771,00 UN dialogue for the future
7 Assistance for 3 project applications – Energy audit for schools: Milan Rakić, Petar Kočić and Sveti Ćirilo and Metodije 10.500,00 GED UNDP
8 Creating an “IT Platform for Kids” 69.819,87 Challange
TOTAL 2.394.712,93

During 2019, 17 projects in the total value of 5,072,166.94 KM were prepared and nominated in open calls for projects, as well as technical assistance to companies, public institutions and other organizations in the preparation of project applications in the amount of 3,427.338 KM.

Project name Value /KM Donor
1 Strengthening the capacity of the GSS BL wreck rescue unit 288.275,00 Japanese Embassy
2 The Way Forward – Future of Education 290.792,80  Europe for Citizens
3 Improving the tourist potential of the lake on Manjača 20.560,00 USAID – Via Dinarica, UNDP
4 Tourist complex Manjača 77.335,00 Gov. of the Republic of Srpska – Ministry of  Trade and Tourism
5 Development of Service and Training Center for Textile and Leather Industry 300.372,18 USAID/Wham
6 Support to the establishment and development of entrepreneurship through the establishment of a new support mechanism for the establishment and development of companies for persons under 30 years of age 415.576,71 ILO-European Union
7 Strenthening Capacities of the Intervention Units of the Civil Protetction Service and the Mountain Rescue Service Banja Luka specialized for Rescuing Persons from the ruins 213.518,59 Swiss Embassy
8 Support to Development of New Mechanism for Support to Inclusion of Disabled Persons in Economic Activities 92.050,07 Swiss Embassy
9 Introduction of the New Technology Tools in Sales and Transfer of Knowledge for Sales and Market Research 110.240,00 USAID/Wham
10 Čista energija u javnim institucijama 730.233,11 Czech Embassy
11 Development of New Products for Foreign Markets – AUSLENDER 196.383,65 USAID/Wham
12 Provision of Equipment for Improved Quality of Education and Modern Digital Society 81.560,00 Embassy of Bulgaria
13 Development of New Tourism Products at Outdoor Tourism Destination Banja Luka South along Via Dinarica 555.924,00 GIZ
14 Keep educating yourself 209219,05 ERASMUS COSME
15 Autocamp 124.140,00 RCC
16 Digital transformation of today for citizens and businesses of tomorrow 1.072.612,28 INTEREG Danube
17 The Danube Region for Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship for the Danube Region 293.374,50 INTEREG Danube
Total 5.072.166,94


Name of the school Name of the project (2019) Total project value
Donor / Financier
1 School of Students in Economy Equipping the cabinet for practical classes of the School of Students in Economy 26.321,51 City of Banja Luka
2 Equipping cabinets for practical classes of Agricultural schools with additional equipment – agricultural machinery, mini cheese factory, mini bakery, mini fruit shop 47.563,10 City of Banja Luka
Agricultural High School
3 Technical School Equipping cabinets for practical classes – Technician of interior design and industrial products 30.923,84 City of Banja Luka
4 Technical School Equipping cabinets for practical classes and CNC programming in the Technical School 46.605,00 City of Banja Luka
5 Electrotechnical School Equipping the electronics cabinet 38205,88 City of Banja Luka
6 Catering school Equipping a cabinet for practical classes Cabinet for cooking (confectionery and serving) 28314,65 City of Banja Luka
7 Construction school Equipping the cabinet for practical classes 30.000,00 City of Banja Luka
8 Organization of the Blind Banja Luka ‘Providing community preconditions for social inclusion and independent living of persons with disabilities 19.484,55 UNDP RELOD
9 Center for Education, Upbringing and Rehabilitation of Listening and Speech Banja Luka Increasing the capacity for learning and communication for children and youth with disabilities ‘ 39.919,23 Embassy of Bulgaria
10 Lanako d.o.o. Towards the digital transformation of cities in BiH 3.000.000,00 GIZ PPDP
11 St. Sava Elementary School Carpentry Replacement 120.000,00 Embassy of Japan
TOTAL 3.427.338,00