The team for entrepreneurship and collaboration with economy is in charge of
- development of entrepreneurial infrastructure, promotion of opportunities and significance of entrepreneurship,
- improvement of business climate in Banja Luka in order to increase the number of registered economic activities and the reduction of unemployment,
- support in acquiring entrepreneurial skills,
- helping with business idea analysis, business and marketing planning,
- helping with finding fund resources,
- informing about legal and administrative procedures to start a business.
Slađana Kukić
Vanja Todorović
master of economic science
Independent expert associate for technology and capacity development
Olivera Kovačević
bachelor of economy
Independent expert associate for technology and capacity development
The team for collaboration with investors and export support is in charge of:
- active participation in searching, informing and facilitating investment process to interested investors in Banja Luka city,
- providing all relevant information for export – oriented companies,
- connecting investors with domestic businessmen in order to achieve joint projects,
- mediation in communication with competent institutions at national, republic and local level,
- establishing and developing clusters in order to strengthen them and make them international, as well as sector support to the economy and enterprises in their development and support to innovative companies.
Brana Babić
bachelor of economy
Independent expert associate in small
businesses development

Ivan Babić
bachelor of economy
Independent expert associate
in collaboration
with investors
Danka Dabić
bachelor of economy
Independent expert associate for the establishment and development of a business incubator

Natalija Bučić
bachelor of IT – design
Independent expert associate for marketing
The team for implementation of international and domestic projects is in charge of :
- preparation and implementation of projects, which are financed by City, Government of Republic of Srpska, preaccession funds and other resources,
- preparation of project proposals in- dependently or in cooperation with national and international partnership organisations,
- establishing cooperation with partners from neighboring countries and EU Member States and local partners with the aim of forming partnership consortia and preparation of applications in ac- cordance with deadlines and conditions given in public calls,
- continuous monitoring of financial and informative resources.
Ana Beader
bachelor of spatial planning
Independent expert associate
in collaboration with investors
Momir Širko
bachelor of economy
Independent expert associate for the development of entrepreneurial infrastructure

Vesna Marinković Vojvodić
MA in social policies for territorial development
Independent expert associate
for preparation
and implementation
of development strategy
The team for strategic planning and preparation of case studies is in charge of:
- actions on preparation and making analysis and case studies,
- elaboration and implementation PCM methodology and realization of developing projects in units of local self government,
- collaboration on realization of PPP projects in partnership with City Departments and making appropriate feasible case studies for potential investment.
Aleksandar Donjak
bachelor of economy
Independent expert associate in small scale business entrepreneurship

Slaviša Lukić
master of economic science Independent expert associate
in development of business zones
Anesa Vujanović
bachelor of communicology
Independent expert associate for ana- lytics, research and databases
The team for marketing and ICT is in charge of:
- actions on editing and updating websites,
- establishing communications between Agency and media,
- monitoring and editing the database,
- organisation of marketing, informative and fair activities,
- making promotional and informative materials of the Agency.
Vladimir Damjanović
professor of communication science
Coordinator in marketing
and education
Vladimir Amidžić
bachelor of communicology
Independent expert associate for education and training of entrepreneurs