Program Horizon 2020 is the largest researching and innovation program in EU so far. It will contribute to solving problems related to economic crisis, investing in future jobs and development, general security and environment, as well as other fields. Main goal of the program is contribution to building up society and economy, based on knowledge and innovations by launch of new research, development and innovations financing.
Research groups on universities, research institutes, individual researches, SMEs, large companies, as well as other governmental, non-governmental and private organizations and institutions can participate in Horizon 2020.
Horizon 2020 is made of three main themes:
- Excellence in science – financing most interesting science researches through the public call, which will be operated through four programs:
а) European researches council (Research on the borders of the science of the best individual teams);
- b) research infrastructures (+е-infrastructures) – Securing access to world class research tools
- c) new and future technologies (Mutual researches in new fields of innovations);
- d) through the research grants of the Program „Marie Curie“ (Possibilities of trainings and career development).
- Leadership in industry – it includes program for supporting innovative SMEs (encouraging all types of innovations in all SME types), financial instruments (leveling private funding and risk capital for research and innovations), as well as programs of development of existing and new industrial technologies (ICT, nanotechnologies, materials, biotechnologies, production, space).
- Social challenges – supporting activities from research to market placement in the following fields:
- Health, demographic changes and welfare – including diseases of young and elderly people, neurodegenerative, musculoskeletal and chronic diseases; millennium goals of development, aging and welfare; personalized medicine.
- Food safety, sustainable agriculture, maritime and sea research – includes bio economy, forestry research and maritime research.
- Safe, ecological and efficient energy – is focused on gas, energy safety, smart networks, energy storage, backup technologies, usage of carbon.
- Smart, ecological and integrated transport – it includes mobility and logistics
- Climate actions, efficiency of the sources and raw materials – includes management of waters, biodiversity, raw materials and eco innovations.
- Inclusive, innovative and safe society– it includes demography, social and humanistic sciences and innovation, cultural heritage and European identity
- Safe societies – protection of freedom and safety of Europe and its citizens– new area of research that will gather fight against criminal illegal trade and terrorism, protection of the critical infrastructure, borders control, resistance to crisis and catastrophes, internet privacy, conflicts prevention and peace building.
More information can be found on web page of the program
(Current competitions – calls for projects, working programs, conditions, priorities, registration on participants portal, how to get PIC number etc)